Watercolor friends,
Many thanks to all of you who submitted artwork to our Fall Transparent Watercolor exhibition. Congratulations to all those artists who had artwork accepted, and further kudos to our award winners. In case you weren’t at our Artists’ Reception, you can check out the show and list of winners on www.nfws.org, or better yet, visit the Kenan Center to view the show in person. The show will be viewable through November 24th.
You know what this means….it is time to start painting for our Spring show! With the holidays just around the corner, there’s no time like the present to get a jump start on a fresh painting.
As always, we are always in need of volunteers. If you would like to help out in any matter, reach out to me or another board member. We are always looking for new board members, people to help set up for meetings, folks to help out with the exhibition process like drop off and pick up.
Remember that all of our Winter meetings will be virtual, starting with November. Look for an email from Carol Siracuse for a zoom invite.
Keep your brushes wet,
Deb Meier, President pleinpalettart@gmail.com