Congratulations to the NFWS Members whose paintings have been selected to win awards in our Spring 2022 Members Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor. Our judge Shelley Prior‘s judge’s statement and individual comments are shared below. The award winners can now be seen at the Artists Group Gallery, One Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY. The Exhibition can be viewed at the AAG until June 3, 2022. It’s a stunning show, beautifully juried, and hung. Thank you to Martha Rogala and Janet Ide, co-chairpersons of the NFWS Exhibition Committee, and to Don Siuta, WNYAG and the volunteers at the Artists Group Gallery.
Again, congratulations to all artists who submitted their paintings. Keep painting and stay safe!
Juror’s Statement:
Bravo to a very strong show by NFWS. I almost wished that there were additional awards, as there are so many deserving paintings. I was looking at each painting’s story, composition, use of colour and line, and technical handling of the medium. Thanks and congrats! -Shelley Prior, Judge
First Place Award to Jody Ziehm for “Vespas”
Judge’s Comment: Great use of warm and cool, creating effective light and shadow; it gives a feeling that the riders have taken foot to explore the street.
Second Place Award to E. Jane Stoddard for “Waiting in the Shadows”
Judge’s Comment: Very effective use of architectural elements and technical proficiency; I enjoyed the feeling of being inside, looking out as portrayed by the birds in silhouette.
Third Place Award to Barbara Fox for “Aurora”
Judge’s Commentary: The artist has used glowing colour and lost edges to connect the woman with her surroundings. Delicate handling of grasses and clothing details with nice balance of calm space behind the figure; downward gaze and pose create a sense of intrigue.
Honorable Mention Award to Vicki O’Reilly for “The Guide”
Judge’s Commentary: The painting tells a story. The brilliant sun-lit figure is further enhanced by the ddark and simple background. Skin tones and fabric details are handled well with attention to value and detail.
Honorable Mention Award to Martha Rogala for “Rocks in Acadia?”
Judge’s Comment: The perspective and ruggedness of this scene are portrayed well. Values and shapes are described well despite the ambient light and lack of sunshine. It is somewhat moody, isolated feeling.
Board of Directors’ Award to Timothy Kerr for “Snowy Creek”
Judge’s Comment: Great use of motion to describe this winter scene. Effective use of value; I like the boldness of not using colour. Value gets the glory this time.
Margaret M. Martin Award to Beverly DiPalma for “Mimosas in NYC”
Judge’s Comment: The abstract approach to this subject echos the architectural elements of the big city. Wonderful use of colour and texture throughout.
Judge’s Choice Award to Kathy Armstrong for “Miss Bea, Honey Vendor”
Judge’s Comment: Light is beautifully handled here and the story is clear. The vendor’s products are effectively used to frame the subject who is waiting for the next sale, making it a strong composition.
Judge’s Choice Award to Robert Bemisderfer for “Moody Monday”
Judge’s Comment: Simplicity is used to create the feeling in this painting. I applaud the freshness of these washes which show proficient use of the medium. Great example of ‘less is more’.
Judge’s Choice Award to Marybeth Cunningham for ” Popsicle Summer”
Judge’s Comment: The joy of summer is beautifully portrayed in this colourful portrait taken from an unusual vantage point. Great use of colour and skill.
Judge’s Choice Award to Louise Vacco for “Schmitts Farm”
Judge’s Comment: The serene rural setting is portrayed nicely with muted tones. The path is inviting with effective lead-in lines taking us to the quaint farm.