Our Spring 2018 Members Open Transparent Watercolor Exhibition is incredible! 89 Members showing 89 paintings! Whta a success! Thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to all the winners. The show is on at the Artists Group Gallery, One Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY until June 1, 2018.
The winners were selected by our juror, wonderful painter and teacher from Pittsburgh, Peggi Nero Habets, with awards presented at our Awards Reception on Saturday, May 19, 2018. They are:
First Place: Robert Bemisderfer for “Solitude at the Edge”
Second Place: Aline Herion for “The Girl with the Gold Bracelet”
Third Place: E. Jane Stoddard for “Day of Rest”
Honorable Mention: Catherine O’Neill for “Morning Calls”
Honorable Mention: Fritz Raiser for “Parasol”
Margaret M. Martin Award, Jane Jacobson for “Hay Bales Ready”
Board of Directors Award, Marie Prince for “Beau Chapeau”
Judge’s Choice: Alice Seeley for “Country Rod”
Judge’s Choice: Ilona Borka Juhasz for “Sunset”
Judge’s Choice: Catherine Skerker for “Desert Patterns”