Video Library

We welcome all NFWS Members to take advantage of our Video Library which is included as benefit of NFWS membership.

Our comprehensive DVD  library  includes artist demonstrations as well as videos we’ve purchased which feature well-known artists.  It is available to all NFWS Members at each monthly Members Meeting and Demonstration at the Amherst Community Church.

The Rules for the Video Library are:

  • Videos are available to NFWS Members in good standing.
  • One video may be borrowed per month.
  • The video must be returned at the next meeting.
  • If you are not attending the following meeting, please mail the video to Vicki O’Reilly at the address listed on the back of the video.
  • You must have a valid email and/or telephone number at which you may be reached. 
  • You may get a friendly email or phone call to remind you to return any video you borrow.

Take a look at the NFWS List of Videos and DVDs here:

NFWS Video List