Category Archives: watermedia workshop

Here are some photos from our Fall 2023 Workshop with Stan Kurth.

This four day workshop was inspiring and lots of fun. Stan Kurth is terrific! Here are a few photos from the four days.

The First Day~! Holy Cow!

The photographer missed the second day but did get some pics of the third day and Stan’s demonstrations.

The last day ended with a full afternoon critique of each participant’s selected painting. It was a grand afternoon. The participants’ work is awesome, each different, each showing a new and unique approach. Terrific!!

December 8, 2022 – There are only 4 places left in this special VIRTUAL (ZOOM) SKIP LAWRENCE FINDING YOUR OWN VOICE WORKSHOP!!!CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE LINK TO THE REGISTRATION FORM. This workshop is open to members and non-members!

NFWS is offering a special January 2023 Virtual Watermedia Workshop with Skip Lawrence, Finding Your Own Voice, January 10 – 12, 2023!! Here is the link for the event’s details and the Registration Form. Don’t miss this. Sign up now as our workshops fill up fast. This workshop is open to Members and Non-Members alike!



Click here to find our about our Spring 2022 Watermedia Workshop, “Finding Your Own Voice” with Skip Lawrence. The Workshop is Full, but we have a waiting list.


Here is the link to the Registration Brochure for NFWS Five Day Spring 2022 Skip Lawrence Watermedia Workshop, “Finding Your Own Voice”

Skip Lawrence Workshop Registration Brochure

William Skip Lawrence: Expressive Artist
“I love everything about painting. I love feeling the paint, seeing a rich color spread under my brush onto a surface and the play between colors coming together. I love watching my idea take form until a painting finally says “it” and I am surprised and delighted every time. I love sharing my art and knowing that someone is moved by it. 
I see no hierarchy among realism, abstraction, non-objective painting styles. I see only the relationship of colors, shapes, surface and line that either thrills or bores me. When these elements come together to communicate an artist’s intention to the viewer, to connect with someone, it is nothing short of wonderful.