October 2024 Demonstration by Brienne Brown Will Not Be an In Person Event!

Because of a scheduling conflict at our usual in person meeting and demonstration venue, the Amherst Community Church, we will not be able to invite you all to see a demonstration by our Fall Workshop Artist, Brienne Brown. We will, however be able to videotape her demonstration, and will post it on our Youtube Channel as soon as it is edited. We are so sorry that this anticipated Thursday night event has been cancelled, but are grateful for technology and social media! We will send out an email with a link to the Youtube video as soon as it is posted.


On a related subject, the inperson demonstration by September’s Artist Demonstrator Judith Haynes Levins is still being edited. We will send out an email with a link to her video on our Youtube Channel as soon as we are able to post it…..hopefully very soon as it was a terrific demonstration.