Category Archives: Awards

We have posted two new videos on our Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society YouTube Channel! A Gallery Walk with Mary Whyte and the June Show Your Art Show

The awards for our 2023 Open Watercolor Exhibition were announced last evening, May 25, at the Award Celebration at the Carnegie!
You can see them all and read Mary Whyte’s comments on our page Spring 2023 Award Winners . It was a lovely evening, reconnecting with many NFWS Members and friends. Congratulations one and all!
The Exhibition’s last day is today, May 26, 2023! Hope you can make it to the Carnegie Art Center, 240 Goundry Street, N. Tonawanda, NY, today, open from 12 – 4 today, Friday.

The Award Winners in our Fall 2021 Members’ Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor, with the Judge’s Comments, have been posted! Click Here:
Click here to get to the Award Winners! NFWS 2021 Members Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor. The award cards are also displayed at each award winner’s painting at the Kenan Center House Gallery433 Locust St., Lockport, NY.