Author Archives: Carol Case Siracuse

Fall Workshop, Quick Sketch Watercolor Portraits with Pam Wenger! October 18 – 20, 2021 IS FULL!

Our Fall Workshop, Quick Sketch Watercolor Portraits with Pam Wenger, will be Virtual, using the Zoom platform.


Please note that the Workshop is limited to 14 participants! Get your registration form and fee in asap! The registration form will also me emailed to all NFWS Members on Monday morning. 


April 15th’s Meeting and Demonstration by Glenn Blue will be a Zoom Event! A Link to the Zoom event can be accessed by opening this post, and going to the event page. It will also be sent to all NFWS Members on Monday, April 12th. The demonstration will be recorded and will also be posted for everyone to see on our Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society YouTube Channel.

Check out details and access the Zoom Event Link here: Thursday, April 15th Meeting and Demonstration by Glenn Blue.

Glenn has graciously shared a preview of his demonstration so, if you can like, you can paint along. We have posted it on our Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society YouTube Channel. You can access the video here.

Glenn Blue Preview. 

And some examples of his awesome watercolors –

The 61 paintings by members that will be on view at the Artists Group Gallery beginning on April 20, 2021 can be viewed here online on the same day. Stay tuned!!

Here is the postcard that was sent to members announcing the show. Nice work, committee and AGG Staff! You will be able to view all 61 paintings on this show’s page under Exhibitions in the menu on our home page on April 20, 2021. Click here.

Here is Lena’s finished demonstration painting and the links to Lena Thynell’s Zoom Demonstration!

You can watch a portion of Lena Thynell’s March 18th NFWS Zoom Demonstration on our YouTube Channel.  Here’s the Link:

Lena Thynell’s NFWS Zoom Demonstration on our YouTube Channel

To see selected photos of Lena’s Demonstration generously shared by Roy Fink, check out the Album on our Niagara Frontier Facebook Page.  Here’s the Link:

Lena Thynell’s NFWS Zoom Demonstration facebook page album 

Here’s Lena’s finished demonstration painting!